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Australian Association of Gerontology (AAG) – Fact sheet 4 – list of published evidence on reablement approaches
This Fact Sheet has been developed by the Australian Association of Gerontology (AAG) with the support of the Expert Reference Group for the AAG Reablement Project 2017-19 1.
The aim is to provide a list and brief summaries of the publications on research studies of reablement approaches. It is targeted at researchers, policy makers and other professionals who may are looking for primary sources of research evidence on reablement approaches.
A brief summary of each publication is provided to assist the reader in deciding if they would like to locate and read the original full-text article. AAG may be able to assist its members in locating full-text copies of any of the research publications listed here.
This is one of a series of Fact Sheets exploring reablement that have been developed by AAG with the Expert Reference Group for the AAG Reablement Project.
Author & Year Published : Australian Association of Gerontology (AAG) (1/06/2019)
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